LifePoint Kidz shows kids who Jesus is by striving to ensure that this is a safe place where kids are exposed to the Bible in creative and age-appropriate ways. We would love for you and your family to visit LifePoint Kidz this weekend. Join the fun, and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

LifePoint Summer Kidz Camp

Lake stevens

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Popular Questions

  • How can I get my kid involved?

    We have services each week at all of our Sunday Services.

  • Kidz Safety

    We know your kid's safety is top priority to you and we agree it should be! Each of our LifePoint Kidz team members have completed a federal & state background check. After you're registered, you'll be given tags for you and each of your kids; each family is given a new unique security code every week. Don't lose your tag! Our teachers won't be able to release your kid to you without making sure your security codes match! 

  • Are there Child Dedications?

    Rather than baptizing infants or young children, LifePoint encourages Christian parents to dedicate their children, birth through five years. Child dedications are for families to show their desire to raise their child in a God-honoring way. Click Here to sign your child up.

  • Can I serve with the Kidz Team?

    Whether you love working with kids or prefer interacting with adults, we have an area in LifePoint Kidz where you could serve! If you are interested in more information or want to sign up, Click Here!

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